Submission button not work. please check. ${imageLink?synapseId=syn21596937&align=Center&scale=100&responsive=true&altText=}

Created by jae woo so jaewoo_so
Hi @jaewoo_so, I misunderstood your request yesterday. Your writeup submission was received in time (I did not realize you were on team Theragenetex) - we have it on our end. Thanks and sorry for any misunderstanding!
Regarding the error message, you must make your writeup public in order to submit. Best, Robert
Hi Jaewoo - Unfortunately, submissions closed 1 hour ago. We can accept your submission csv and writeup if it is already prepared, but to be fair to the other participants you will not be eligible to be a top performer in the Challenge. Best, Robert
and i got this message Your submission (dream_drug) is invalid, below are the invalid reasons: Please make your private writeup public. and Your submission (dream_drug) is valid!

submission button not work. page is loading…