@xengie.doan @andrewelamb among released files from TESLA [manuscript](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn23446508) I cannot find the table with validated neoantigen candidates for every patient. Did I missed to find it or you do not plan to release it at all? Thanks!

Created by Vladimir Kovacevic vladimir.kovacevic
Hi, I am also looking for access to the supplemental tables of the paper, however the link that was posted earlier has expired. Is there any other way to access this information? Thanks, Steven
Thanks @dannykwells! You are helpful as always :)
@vladimir.kovacevic This is supplemental table S4 in the paper. If you are having trouble accessing it you can use this link for next few weeks (It expires in early December): https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1b%7EdgL7PXcL0H d

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