Hi, When I get access and download TESLA samples, is it necessary for a person inside my organization who will help me with the analysis to apply for certain data access permissions or maybe even the same procedure as I did for downloading the samples?

Created by Vladimir Kovacevic vladimir.kovacevic
Understood. The response time for validation is excellent so it all went rapidly. Thank you again.
Hi @vladimir.kovacevic I checked with our Governance team and they confirmed that yes, anyone who accesses the data needs to be validated.
@xengie.doan, one more question, I couldn't find it explicitly stated. Do the collaborators need also to become certified Synapse users and have user profile validated? There would be no need for them to download data from Synapse.
Thank you @xengie.doan.
Hi @vladimir.kovacevic thank you for asking! I checked in with Sage Governance and they confirmed that you are correct. If another person will be viewing the data, they will also need to request access. You can update your initial request and DUC to include the collaborator, or the collaborator can submit an independent access request.

Should internal collaborators also get permissions for TESLA data page is loading…