Hi @xengie.doan , In the TESLA study published on the Cell, there are 6 patients: No. 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, and 16. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0092867420311569 I could find patients 1, 2, and 3 in the syn8262420; patients 12 and 16 in the syn10141118. However, patient 10 is still missing. Does the raw data of this patient will be grant-accessed in the future? Ps. TESLA_10.fastq.gz belongs to patient 2, not patient 10. Sincerely yours, Martin Liu

Created by ChiaHsin Liu MartinLiuTaiwan
Hi Martin, How did you figure this out? I am trying to match the patient ids with sample and file names, and I am unable to do that. Could you please guide me? Is there any metadata file? I cannot click on the more option, so not sure which file belongs to which patient id. Best Regards, Noor
I also want to download patient 10 data. According to what you said above, is patient 10 not available because it is not publicly released data? @xengie.doan @dannykwells Thank you
I am also hoping to find the data for patient 10, are there any updates on this? @xengie.doan @dannykwells
From my understanding that patient is not in the publicly released data, maybe @dannykwells has more insight?
Just noticed the same thing and saw there is already a thread for it. Was data for Patient 10 excluded intentionally?

Patient_10 raw data page is loading…