

Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

phase: II
grants: U01MH116438
tissue: superior parietal lobe primary somatosensory cortex prefrontal cortex primary motor cortex insular cortex medial ganglionic eminence primary visual cortex temporal cortex cerebral cortex occipital visual cortex
methods: syn21995633 syn31957912 syn25874242 syn22098180 syn26009957
species: Human
dataTypes: Chromatin Activity Gene Expression Epigenetics
studyType: Individual
studyDescription: The neuronal regulatory elements (NeuRE) study aims to annotate cell-type-specific gene regulatory networks in the developing brain. This resource integrates analysis of the single cell transcriptome and chromatin states.
nucleicAcidSource: single nucleus bulk cell single cell
numberOfIndividuals: 18
contributingInstitution: University of California, San Francisco

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