Saving my validation notes here in case it helps others run this model, or for if I need to run the model in the future :) * Create a `p2.xlarge` instance using the following AMI: `Deep Learning AMI (Amazon Linux 2) Version 27.0` * `pip install synapseclient` * `docker login` * `docker pull` * `mkdir input` * `cd input` * `synapse get syn21321426` (get the template file as input) * `cd ~` * `mkdir output` * test without training: `docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/input:/workspace/input -v ${PWD}/output:/workspace/output -e GPU_NO="0" -e LOAD_MODEL="load" --runtime=nvidia` Will run through several processes, and will output predictions.csv in the `output` dir. Saved output to main challenge project [here](syn21769349).

Created by Robert Allaway allawayr

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