Dear dream challenge organizers, One of our team @netphar2020 member, Toulo Shadbahr @t.shad submitted her registration request to the challenge several days ago and currently, it is still pending. We are wondering how this can be fixed. Or it doesn't matter some of the team member is not registered to the challenge as long as we submit our predictions as a team? Thanks! BR, Wenyu

Created by Wenyu Wang WenyuWang
@v.chung Thanks for the clarification! I will let Toulo know about this amusing mistake. BR, Wenyu
Hi @WenyuWang, Just to quickly followup -- It looked like she had originally registered for the Pancancer Drug Activity Challenge, hence the pending registration. Happy to hear she has successfully registered for this Challenge now!
Thanks for the reply Robert, I think the server updating could be the reason for that. Toulo tried again clicking the registration button and now she made it to the "You have successfully registered for the Challenge." Thanks! BR, Wenyu
Hi there, That's interesting. As far as I know, it should not be possible to have a pending registration for the challenge. Once you have agreed to the various terms and conditions you should be automatically registered. One possibility is if this was timed just right at 9 PM PT on Sunday, the registration might not have been saved as we typically upgrade Synapse to a new version at this time. When @t.shad navigates to the homepage of this challenge (!Synapse:syn21763589/wiki/601659), what do they see under the banner? There should be a registration button, or a button that says "You have successfully registered for the Challenge." Thanks, Robert

pending registration page is loading…