Dear @CTDsquaredPancancerChemosensitivityDREAMChallengeParticipants, We are writing to announce the top performers for the CTD^2^ Pancancer Chemosensitivity DREAM Challenge. Thank you for your patience while we confirmed the predictions from the Dockerized model submissions. As a reminder, this challenge asked participants to predict the sensitivity of cell lines to 15 unknown drugs using gene expression data with AUROC as the primary metric and Spearman correlation as a tiebreaking metric. Read more about the scoring for this challenge [here](!Synapse:syn21763589/wiki/602313). In addition, participants/teams needed to submit a Dockerized model and writeup to qualify. Participants who could not fulfill these criteria were not included in the final evaluation. Here, we?ve analyzed only the submissions that met the criteria as laid out by the challenge organizers. In order to determine the top-performers for each category, we performed a bootstrap analysis of each team?s best submission, and then calculated a Bayes factor relative to the bootstrapped overall best submission. The plot below (if viewing this through email, please view this post on the discussion forum to see the image) shows the results of this analysis, where each box shows a team?s bootstrapped scores, the color of the box indicates the Bayes factor relative to the top performer. A Bayes factor of 3 or less indicates that models are statistically indistinguishable from the top-ranked submission. This analysis shows that team *netphar_2020* is the top performer with no teams within a Bayes factor of 3 (and thus, no ties). Congratulations to team netphar_2020 and thank you to all the teams for your participation, we hope you enjoyed the experience! ${imageLink?synapseId=syn22337107&version=1&align=Center&scale=60&responsive=true&altText=} By the way, the RSG with DREAM 2020 Conference will be virtual this year, from Nov 16-19 2020. We encourage you to join this great conference! You can find more information [here]( All the best, @CTDsquaredPancancerChemosensitivityDREAMChallengeOrganizers

Created by Robert Allaway allawayr
Btw, do you think you could release the identity of the 30 drugs we had to predict in this challenge, similarly to how you've done for the previous challenge? Thanks, Denise
Hi Denise, Thanks so much for letting me know. This has been fixed. Best, Robert
Hi Robert, The image is not visible, I can only see the message 'Sorry, you do not have sufficient privileges for access.' It seems there's something wrong with the permissions. Best, Denise

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