Hi administrators,
In the [example code](https://github.com/DREAMChallenges/ehr-dream-challenges/tree/master/examples/covid19-question-1), the_ infer.sh _script is executed by
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/synthetic_data:/data:ro \
-v $(pwd)/output:/output:rw \
-v $(pwd)/scratch:/scratch:rw \
awesome-covid19-q1-model:v1 bash /app/infer.sh
I didn't find how the _train.sh_ is executed on the server. I was assuming that just as in the mortality challenge, it was like
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/synthetic_data:/data:ro \
-v $(pwd)/output:/output:rw \
-v $(pwd)/scratch:/scratch:rw \
awesome-covid19-q1-model:v1 bash /app/train.sh
But I didn't find the printout information from my code in the provided log. Also the infer script cannot load the middle files I saved in the _scratch_ folder during training:
For example, I save a list during training as:
joblib.dump([1,2,3], '/scratch/test.pkl', protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
then I try to load it in the infer script as:
loading_test = joblib.load('/scratch/test.pkl')
the error was:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/infer.py", line 15, in
loading_test = joblib.load('/scratch/test.pkl')
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/numpy_pickle.py", line 577, in load
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/scratch/test.pkl'
I tried different dumping approaches and even set 777 permission to the _scratch_ folder but none of them works. Now I suspect maybe the _train.sh_ is executed differently as I assumed? Could you please provide how it is executed on the server? Or please correct me if I missed anything.
Many thanks,
Created by Jifan Gao ggggfan Hi @ggggfan, Hi @Bcragin,
Our proposal to enable participants to train models has been green lighted. The rules will be the same as for the Patient Mortality Prediction Challenge (https://www.synapse.org/ehr_dream_challenge_mortality). We are moving on with the preparation of the training and evaluation sets. We plan to start accepting training + evaluation submissions next week. Great! Thanks. Hi @Bcragin,
I'm pushing so that we can enable training near the end of the week or early next week. I'm meeting with one of the two persons who need to give their go tomorrow. I'll keep you posted!
Thanks! Thomas,
Can you provide an update please on plans (if any) to enable training for Q1?
Hi @ggggfan,
Q1 is evaluation only for now.
We are working on enabling training for Q1 within the next 2 weeks. We will update the doc and the [example model](https://github.com/DREAMChallenges/ehr-dream-challenges/tree/master/examples/covid19-question-1) at this occasion.