So, first time Docker user here.
I developed my model, produced a Dockerfile, built an image, logged on and pushed the Docker image into Synapse.org following the submission protocol.
However, I wrote something wrong in the Dockerfile, and naturally the submission log returned as INVALID.
Then, I assumed that I just needed to delete the Docker image on my Synapse.org project tab and push the image again, this time built with the correct Dockerfile. So I did that, deleted the Docker image, built a new one, logout, logged on again, and tried to push the image, with same name/tag and everything else. However, the following error occurred:
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
Question is, do I just need to wait 24 hours to try again (since there is a disclaimer that we should validate our model once per day) or this means I broke everything?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Created by Antonio Coelho antoniocampos13 Hi Thomas,
Thank you very much for your input. I tried your suggestion, but it did not work. However, I tried creating a new project and tried push the new Docker image. It pushed successfully at least (my code did not work at the remote machine, but at least the problem was not in the Dockerfile this time. It worked locally on my computer, so I'll have to figure it out what happened).
Best regards,
Hi @antoniocampos13,
> Question is, do I just need to wait 24 hours to try again (since there is a disclaimer that we should validate our model once per day) or this means I broke everything?
We are only considering successful submissions that have been scored in this quota.
Note that you don't need to delete your docker image on Synapse in this case. You can simply rebuild your image with the same name, optionally with a different tag (e.g. `1.0-beta.1`, `1.0-beta.2`, `1.0`, etc.) and push the image again. Not sure why you have this error. Can you try to push your docker image with a different name and submit? This is more a workaround than a solution. Maybe there is a bug in the system that prevent you to push an image with the same name as an image that you have previously deleted on Synapse. If you believe that it's the case, let us know here.
Drop files to upload
Problems during second try of Docker push page is loading…