In the description for Q2 at!Synapse:syn21849255/wiki/602406 it says that: ?The prediction window (hospitalization within 21 days) starts at the first available positive test result in the measurement table.? However in the github link?s README section ( it says ?The goal of this continuous benchmarking project is to develop models that take as input the electronic health records (EHRs) of a patient and outputs the probability of a COVID-19-positive patient to be hospitalized within 21 day after his/her recent COVID-measurement.? Does the prediction window start from the first available positive test result or the last one? Thank you.

Created by Zafer Aydin zaferaydin
Hi @zaferaydin, Thank you for pointing this out. For Q2, we asked 21-day hospitalization predictions based on each patient's latest COVID measurement date. Best, Yao

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