Robust elimination of genome-damaged cells safeguards against brain somatic aneuploidy following Knl1 deletion


Created By Mette Peters Mette

doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10411-w
year: 2019
title: Robust elimination of genome-damaged cells safeguards against brain somatic aneuploidy following Knl1 deletion
authors: Lei Shi, Adel Qalieh, Mandy M. Lam, Jason M. Keil, Kenneth Y. Kwan
journal: Nature Communications
pubmedID: 31197172
grantNumber: U01MH106892
projectName: 2/3-Schizophrenia Genetics and Brain Somatic Mosaicism
projectTitle: 2/3-Schizophrenia Genetics and Brain Somatic Mosaicism

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