Increased Neural Progenitor Proliferation in a hiPSC Model of Autism Induces Replication Stress-Associated Genome Instability


Created By Mette Peters Mette

doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2019.12.013
year: 2020
title: Increased Neural Progenitor Proliferation in a hiPSC Model of Autism Induces Replication Stress-Associated Genome Instability
authors: Wang M, Wei PC, Lim CK, Gallina IS, Marshall S, Marchetto MC, Alt FW, Gage FH
journal: Cell Stem Cell
project: syn21895550
pubmedID: 32004479
grantNumber: U01MH106882
projectName: 3/3-Schizophrenia Genetics and Brain Somatic Mosaicism
projectTitle: 3/3-Schizophrenia Genetics and Brain Somatic Mosaicism

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