

Created By Meghasyam Tummalacherla meghasyam

doi: 10.2196/mhealth.6521
ISSN: 2291-5222
PMID: 28209557
Year: 2017
Study: mPower Mobile Parkinson Disease Study
Title: Formative Evaluation of Participant Experience With Mobile eConsent in the App-Mediated Parkinson mPower Study: A Mixed Methods Study
synID: syn4993293
Author: Doerr M Truong AM Bot BM Wilbanks J Suver C Mangravite LM
Journal: JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Abstract: syn22017533
Featured: TRUE
Diagnosis: Parkinson's disease control
Consortium: mHealth
sensorType: accelerometer gyroscope magnetometer touchscreen microphone
studyOrProject: [mPower Mobile Parkinson Disease Study](/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage?study=mPower%20Mobile%20Parkinson%20Disease%20Study)
publicationType: study
digitalAssessmentCategory: resting tremor kinetic tremor postural tremor action tremor gait voice

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