

Created By Mette Peters Mette

title: Longboard
project: [3/3-Schizophrenia Genetics and Brain Somatic Mosaicism](/Explore/Projects/DetailsPage?id=syn21895550)
toolLink: [GitHub](https://github.com/PatrickJReed/Longboard)
toolName: Longboard
contributor: Fred Gage
institution: Salk Institute for Biological Studies
institutions: Salk Institute for Biological Studies
projectTitle: 3/3-Schizophrenia Genetics and Brain Somatic Mosaicism
projectEntity: syn21895550
toolDescription: A method for the identification of somatic retro-transposition events using convolutional neural networks. Longboard is an scalable, cloud based deep learning pipeline for the detection of somatic LINE-1 retrotransposition events from SLAV-Seq datasets. Longboard takes SLAV-Seq bam file(s) aligned to Hs37d5 as input and returns a vcf formated file of predicted somatic insertions.

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