Please post here any questions you have regarding issues with
- accounts, accessing Synapse, RStudio
- accessing course materials
- accessing videoconference links
- meeting and office hours schedules
- submission of mini-challenge solutions
Created by Milen Nikolov mnikolov @scheng72 the slides have now been uploaded on the course webpage here:
- you can also scroll down to Module Presentations here for an overview:!Synapse:syn22149791/wiki/603821
We typically upload the presentations either before the module lecture or up to 1-2 days after.
Regarding Module 0 submission. We will have a session that's dedicated to R notebooks in about a week, which should address questions around going through the module and completing the exercises there. We will also have office hours next week on Mon, Jun 22, 11am - 1pm PDT.
Meanwhile, you probably see a screen like this when you log in RStudio:
${imageLink?synapseId=syn22175360&align=Left&scale=100&responsive=true&altText=RStudio screen}
In the lower right, click on modules and go to module0. You can start by clicking on rstudio-overview.Rmd and following the instructions there (clicking the green arrow next to a line will execute the line), which will provide an intro to RStudio. Next you can try out the rstudio-overview_activity.Rmd, at the end of the notebook (~lines 106 - 109), you will see the submission code. Again we will cover that later, but it might be helpful to start earlier. Hi Milen, I have two questions.
1. When can we expect the Thursday's slide to be uploaded?
2. I do not see the prompt for Module 0 submission. Could you tell me where I can find it?
Thanks. @Sylvia1 If you click your folder and then go to 'Folder Tools' (upper right) , you'll see the option of 'Delete folder' (at the end of the dropdown).
Let me know if that works. Thanks! Hi Milen, I accidentally created a folder when I tried to test whether I was a certified user, but I could not delete the test file. Could you tell me how I can delete it? Great - thanks for posting! It seemed that my file was uploaded successfully. Thanks for helping me check. @scheng72 - could you try uploading a file (any test file would work) to this folder:!Synapse:syn22166354
If that works, it'd indicate that you have been certified successfully. Hi Milen, I passed the quiz, but it seemed that I did not become a certified user (not manifested on my profile). Could you help me check what might go wrong?