url: https://www.jax.org/strain/004807 data: UCI_3xTg-AD grant: U54AG054349 program: MODEL-AD species: Mouse summary: These 3xTg-AD mice on a mixed background harbor a Psen1 mutation (M146V) and the co-injected APPSwe and tauP301L transgenes (Tg(APPSwe,tauP301L)1Lfa)), and may be useful for studying plaque and tangle pathology associated with synaptic dysfunction and Alzheimer's disease. AlzForum: [Link](https://www.alzforum.org/research-models/3xtg) toolType: Mouse Model modelType: Familial Alzheimer's disease contributor: Frank LaFerla availableData: 3xTg-AD strainDetails: [View](https://www.jax.org/strain/004807) targetedGenes: APP PSEN1 MAPT backgroundStrain: C57BL/6J;129 alzforumInformation: [View](https://www.alzforum.org/research-models/3xtg)