url: https://www.jax.org/strain/032013 data: UCI_hAbeta_KI grant: U54AG054349 program: MODEL-AD species: Mouse summary: This "humanized" App knock-in strain in which 3 point mutations were introduced into exon 14 of the mouse App gene produces an Abeta peptide that is expected to more readily aggregate. Exon 14 is also flanked by loxP sites. This strain may be useful for studying late-onset sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. Mouse models generated through the MODEL-AD consortium are available through the Jackson Laboratory. toolType: Mouse Model modelType: Late Onset Alzheimer's disease contributor: Frank LaFerla availableData: hAbetaKI strainDetails: [View](https://www.jax.org/strain/032013) targetedGenes: APP backgroundStrain: C57BL/6NJ