url: https://www.jax.org/strain/031946 grant: U54AG054345 program: MODEL-AD species: Mouse summary: This model expresses the N542S variant in exon 7 of the Erc2 gene to model a missense variant (rs12488237 SNP) that is associated with late-onset AD risk. This was created on a sensitized model expressing: a humanized APOE4 knock-in, and a CRISPR/cas9-generated R47H point mutation in the mouse Trem2 gene. toolType: Mouse Model modelType: Late Onset Alzheimer's disease contributor: Mike Sasner strainDetails: [View](https://www.jax.org/strain/031946) targetedGenes: ERC2 APOE TREM2 backgroundStrain: C57BL/6J