Comprehensive sequencing of the entire cortex of one human brain to assess local and distributed mosaicism


Created By Mette Peters Mette

organs: Brain Heart Liver Kidney
ndaLink: [919](
project: [Mosaicism in focal cortical dysplasias spectrum seen in neuropsychiatric disease](/Explore/Projects/DetailsPage?id=syn21895556)
ndaStudy: [919](
dataTypes: Massive Parallel Amplicon Sequencing Whole Genome Sequencing
diagnosis: Control
studyName: Comprehensive sequencing of the entire cortex of one human brain to assess local and distributed mosaicism
dataSource: NDA Study
studyStatus: Ongoing
projectTitle: Mosaicism in focal cortical dysplasias spectrum seen in neuropsychiatric disease
tissueFraction: Bulk
studyDescription: This is an NDA study of a comprehensive assessment of brain somatic mosaicism using deep whole genome sequencing in a single post-mortem human brain.
accessRequirements: syn21886269

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