phase: I grants: R01MH105472 U01MH103340 R21MH102791 U01MH103392 R21MH103877 U01MH103339 R21MH105881 U01MH103365 tissue: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex methods: syn22344152 syn22344151 syn22344147 syn22344155 syn22344154 syn22344153 species: Human dataTypes: Chromatin Activity diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder Schizophrenia Bipolar Disorder studyType: Individual studyDescription: The Reference Brain study is collecting multiple types of functional genomic data – information about nucleosomal histone modifications, DNA methylation, chromatin accessibility, and transcription – from the brains of neurotypical adults. The aim is to construct a reference dataset that will support investigations into the relationship between genomic regulatory elements and neuropsychiatric disease. nucleicAcidSource: bulk nuclei contributingInstitution: Yale University Icahn School of Medicine at Mt.Sinai syn22344148