Jiang PLoS computational biology 2020 (Pubmed ID 32282793)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007522
year: 2020
study: BrainGVEX
title: DRAMS: A tool to detect and re-align mixed-up samples for integrative studies of multi-omics data.
grants: U01MH103340 R01MH110920
authors: Jiang Y, Giase G, Grennan K, Shieh AW, Xia Y, Han L, Wang Q, Wei Q, Chen R, Liu S, White KP, Chen C, Li B, Liu C
journal: PLoS computational biology
abstract: Studies of complex disorders benefit from integrative analyses of multiple omics data. Yet, sample mix-ups frequently occur in multi-omics studies, weakening statistical power and risking false findings. Accurately aligning sample information, genotype, and corresponding omics data is critical for integrative analyses. We developed DRAMS (https://github.com/Yi-Jiang/DRAMS) to Detect and Re-Align Mixed-up Samples to address the sample mix-up problem. It uses a logistic regression model followed b
pubmedId: 32282793
entity_name: Jiang PLoS computational biology 2020 (Pubmed ID 32282793)

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