Xia Molecular psychiatry 2020 (Pubmed ID 30976086)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1038/s41380-019-0416-2
year: 2020
study: BrainGVEX
title: Sex-differential DNA methylation and associated regulation networks in human brain implicated in the sex-biased risks of psychiatric disorders.
grants: U01MH103340 R01MH110920
authors: Xia Y, Dai R, Wang K, Jiao C, Zhang C, Xu Y, Li H, Jing X, Chen Y, Jiang Y, Kopp RF, Giase G, Chen C, Liu C
journal: Molecular psychiatry
abstract: Many psychiatric disorders are characterized by a strong sex difference, but the mechanisms behind sex-bias are not fully understood. DNA methylation plays important roles in regulating gene expression, ultimately impacting sexually different characteristics of the human brain. Most previous literature focused on DNA methylation alone without considering the regulatory network and its contribution to sex-bias of psychiatric disorders. Since DNA methylation acts in a complex regulatory network to
pubmedId: 30976086
entity_name: Xia Molecular psychiatry 2020 (Pubmed ID 30976086)

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