Bryois Nature communications 2018 (Pubmed ID 30087329)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05379-y
year: 2018
study: BrainGVEX CMC HumanFC
title: Evaluation of chromatin accessibility in prefrontal cortex of individuals with schizophrenia.
grants: U01MH103340 R01MH110920 U01MH116442 R01MH110921 R01MH109677 R01MH105472
authors: Bryois J, Garrett ME, Song L, Safi A, Giusti-Rodriguez P, Johnson GD, Shieh AW, Buil A, Fullard JF, Roussos P, Sklar P, Akbarian S, Haroutunian V, Stockmeier CA, Wray GA, White KP, Liu C, Reddy TE, Ashley-Koch A, Sullivan PF, Crawford GE
journal: Nature communications
abstract: Schizophrenia genome-wide association studies have identified >150 regions of the genome associated with disease risk, yet there is little evidence that coding mutations contribute to this disorder. To explore the mechanism of non-coding regulatory elements in schizophrenia, we performed ATAC-seq on adult prefrontal cortex brain samples from 135 individuals with schizophrenia and 137 controls, and identified 118,152 ATAC-seq peaks. These accessible chromatin regions in the brain are highly en
pubmedId: 30087329
entity_name: Bryois Nature communications 2018 (Pubmed ID 30087329)

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