Rhie Science advances 2019 (Pubmed ID 30555922)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav8550
year: 2019
study: ASD-lncRNA Capstone Collection
title: Using 3D epigenomic maps of primary olfactory neuronal cells from living individuals to understand gene regulation.
grants: R21MH105881 U01MH103340 P50MH106934 UO1MH103339 U01MH103346 R21MH103877 U01MH103392 U01MH103392 U01MH103365 R01MH094714 U01MH103339
authors: Rhie SK, Schreiner S, Witt H, Armoskus C, Lay FD, Camarena A, Spitsyna VN, Guo Y, Berman BP, Evgrafov OV, Knowles JA, Farnham PJ
journal: Science advances
abstract: As part of PsychENCODE, we developed a three-dimensional (3D) epigenomic map of primary cultured neuronal cells derived from olfactory neuroepithelium (CNON). We mapped topologically associating domains and high-resolution chromatin interactions using Hi-C and identified regulatory elements using chromatin immunoprecipitation and nucleosome positioning assays. Using epigenomic datasets from biopsies of 63 living individuals, we found that epigenetic marks at distal regulatory elements are more v
pubmedId: 30555922
entity_name: Rhie Science advances 2019 (Pubmed ID 30555922)

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