Kozlenkov Science advances 2019 (Pubmed ID 30263963)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau6190
year: 2019
study: EpiGABA Capstone Collection
title: A unique role for DNA (hydroxy)methylation in epigenetic regulation of human inhibitory neurons.
grants: R21MH103877 U01MH103340 P50MH106934 UO1MH103339 U01MH103346 R21MH103877 U01MH103392 U01MH103392 U01MH103365 R01MH094714 U01MH103339
authors: Kozlenkov A, Li J, Apontes P, Hurd YL, Byne WM, Koonin EV, Wegner M, Mukamel EA, Dracheva S
journal: Science advances
abstract: Brain function depends on interaction of diverse cell types whose gene expression and identity are defined, in part, by epigenetic mechanisms. Neuronal DNA contains two major epigenetic modifications, methylcytosine (mC) and hydroxymethylcytosine (hmC), yet their cell type-specific landscapes and relationship with gene expression are poorly understood. We report high-resolution (h)mC analyses, together with transcriptome and histone modification profiling, in three major cell types in human pref
pubmedId: 30263963
entity_name: Kozlenkov Science advances 2019 (Pubmed ID 30263963)

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