Kozlenkov Nucleic acids research 2014 (Pubmed ID 24057217)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkt838
year: 2014
study: EpiGABA
title: Differences in DNA methylation between human neuronal and glial cells are concentrated in enhancers and non-CpG sites.
grants: R21MH103877
authors: Kozlenkov A, Roussos P, Timashpolsky A, Barbu M, Rudchenko S, Bibikova M, Klotzle B, Byne W, Lyddon R, Di Narzo AF, Hurd YL, Koonin EV, Dracheva S
journal: Nucleic acids research
abstract: We applied Illumina Human Methylation450K array to perform a genomic-scale single-site resolution DNA methylation analysis in neuronal and nonneuronal (primarily glial) nuclei separated from the orbitofrontal cortex of postmortem human brain. The findings were validated using enhanced reduced representation bisulfite sequencing. We identified thousands of sites differentially methylated (DM) between neuronal and nonneuronal cells. The DM sites were depleted within CpG-island-containing promoters
pubmedId: 24057217
entity_name: Kozlenkov Nucleic acids research 2014 (Pubmed ID 24057217)

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