Kozlenkov Nucleic acids research 2016 (Pubmed ID 26612861)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkv1304
year: 2016
study: EpiGABA
title: Substantial DNA methylation differences between two major neuronal subtypes in human brain.
grants: R21MH103877
authors: Kozlenkov A, Wang M, Roussos P, Rudchenko S, Barbu M, Bibikova M, Klotzle B, Dwork AJ, Zhang B, Hurd YL, Koonin EV, Wegner M, Dracheva S
journal: Nucleic acids research
abstract: The brain is built from a large number of cell types which have been historically classified using location, morphology and molecular markers. Recent research suggests an important role of epigenetics in shaping and maintaining cell identity in the brain. To elucidate the role of DNA methylation in neuronal differentiation, we developed a new protocol for separation of nuclei from the two major populations of human prefrontal cortex neurons--GABAergic interneurons and glutamatergic (GLU) project
pubmedId: 26612861
entity_name: Kozlenkov Nucleic acids research 2016 (Pubmed ID 26612861)

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