Jaffe Nature neuroscience 2019 (Pubmed ID 30050107)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1038/s41593-018-0197-y
year: 2019
study: LIBD_szControl
title: Developmental and genetic regulation of the human cortex transcriptome illuminate schizophrenia pathogenesis.
grants: NA
authors: Jaffe AE, Straub RE, Shin JH, Tao R, Gao Y, Collado-Torres L, Kam-Thong T, Xi HS, Quan J, Chen Q, Colantuoni C, Ulrich WS, Maher BJ, Deep-Soboslay A, Cross AJ, Brandon NJ, Leek JT, Hyde TM, Kleinman JE, Weinberger DR
journal: Nature neuroscience
abstract: Genome-wide association studies have identified 108 schizophrenia risk loci, but biological mechanisms for individual loci are largely unknown. Using developmental, genetic and illness-based RNA sequencing expression analysis in human brain, we characterized the human brain transcriptome around these loci and found enrichment for developmentally regulated genes with novel examples of shifting isoform usage across pre- and postnatal life. We found widespread expression quantitative trait loci (eQ
pubmedId: 30050107
entity_name: Jaffe Nature neuroscience 2019 (Pubmed ID 30050107)

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