Kundakovic Biological psychiatry 2017 (Pubmed ID 27113501)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.03.1048
year: 2017
study: CMC
title: Practical Guidelines for High-Resolution Epigenomic Profiling of Nucleosomal Histones in Postmortem Human Brain Tissue.
grants: U01MH116442 R01MH110921 R01MH109677
authors: Kundakovic M, Jiang Y, Kavanagh DH, Dincer A, Brown L, Pothula V, Zharovsky E, Park R, Jacobov R, Magro I, Kassim B, Wiseman J, Dang K, Sieberts SK, Roussos P, Fromer M, Harris B, Lipska BK, Peters MA, Sklar P, Akbarian S
journal: Biological psychiatry
abstract: The nervous system may include more than 100 residue-specific posttranslational modifications of histones forming the nucleosome core that are often regulated in cell-type-specific manner. On a genome-wide scale, some of the histone posttranslational modification landscapes show significant overlap with the genetic risk architecture for several psychiatric disorders, fueling PsychENCODE and other large-scale efforts to comprehensively map neuronal and nonneuronal epigenomes in hundreds of specim
pubmedId: 27113501
entity_name: Kundakovic Biological psychiatry 2017 (Pubmed ID 27113501)

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