Dobbyn American journal of human genetics 2018 (Pubmed ID 29805045)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.04.011
year: 2018
study: CMC
title: Landscape of Conditional eQTL in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex and Co-localization with Schizophrenia GWAS.
grants: U01MH116442 R01MH110921 R01MH109677
authors: Dobbyn A, Huckins LM, Boocock J, Sloofman LG, Glicksberg BS, Giambartolomei C, Hoffman GE, Perumal TM, Girdhar K, Jiang Y, Raj T, Ruderfer DM, Kramer RS, Pinto D, Akbarian S, Roussos P, Domenici E, Devlin B, Sklar P, Stahl EA, Sieberts SK
journal: American journal of human genetics
abstract: Causal genes and variants within genome-wide association study (GWAS) loci can be identified by integrating GWAS statistics with expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) and determining which variants underlie both GWAS and eQTL signals. Most analyses, however, consider only the marginal eQTL signal, rather than dissect this signal into multiple conditionally independent signals for each gene. Here we show that analyzing conditional eQTL signatures, which could be important under specific cellu
pubmedId: 29805045
entity_name: Dobbyn American journal of human genetics 2018 (Pubmed ID 29805045)

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