Hauberg Molecular psychiatry 2020 (Pubmed ID 29740122)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1038/s41380-018-0059-8
year: 2020
study: CMC
title: Differential activity of transcribed enhancers in the prefrontal cortex of 537 cases with schizophrenia and controls.
grants: U01MH116442 R01MH110921 R01MH109677
authors: Hauberg ME, Fullard JF, Zhu L, Cohain AT, Giambartolomei C, Misir R, Reach S, Johnson JS, Wang M, Mattheisen M, Børglum AD, Zhang B, Sieberts SK, Peters MA, Domenici E, Schadt EE, Devlin B, Sklar P, Roeder K, Roussos P
journal: Molecular psychiatry
abstract: Transcription at enhancers is a widespread phenomenon which produces so-called enhancer RNA (eRNA) and occurs in an activity-dependent manner. However, the role of eRNA and its utility in exploring disease-associated changes in enhancer function, and the downstream coding transcripts that they regulate, is not well established. We used transcriptomic and epigenomic data to interrogate the relationship of eRNA transcription to disease status and how genetic variants alter enhancer transcriptional
pubmedId: 29740122
entity_name: Hauberg Molecular psychiatry 2020 (Pubmed ID 29740122)

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