Breen Nature neuroscience 2019 (Pubmed ID 31455887)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1038/s41593-019-0463-7
year: 2019
study: CMC
title: Global landscape and genetic regulation of RNA editing in cortical samples from individuals with schizophrenia.
grants: U01MH116442 R01MH110921 R01MH109677
authors: Breen MS, Dobbyn A, Li Q, Roussos P, Hoffman GE, Stahl E, Chess A, Sklar P, Li JB, Devlin B, Buxbaum JD
journal: Nature neuroscience
abstract: RNA editing critically regulates neurodevelopment and normal neuronal function. The global landscape of RNA editing was surveyed across 364 schizophrenia cases and 383 control postmortem brain samples from the CommonMind Consortium, comprising two regions: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. In schizophrenia, RNA editing sites in genes encoding AMPA-type glutamate receptors and postsynaptic density proteins were less edited, whereas those encoding translation initiation
pubmedId: 31455887
entity_name: Breen Nature neuroscience 2019 (Pubmed ID 31455887)

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