Machine learning reveals bilateral distribution of somatic L1 insertions in human neurons and glia


Created By Mette Peters Mette

doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-00767-4
year: 2021
title: Machine learning reveals bilateral distribution of somatic L1 insertions in human neurons and glia
authors: Xiaowei Zhu, Bo Zhou, Reenal Pattni, Kelly Gleason, Chunfeng Tan, Agnieszka Kalinowski, Steven Sloan, Anna-Sophie Fiston-Lavier, Jessica Mariani, Alexej Abyzov, Dimitri Petrov, Ben A. Barres, Hannes Vogel, John V. Moran, Flora M. Vaccarino, Carol A. Tamminga, Douglas F. Levinson, Alexander E. Urban
journal: Nature Neuroscience
project: syn21644924
grantNumber: U01MH106876
projectName: Somatic Mosaicism in the brain of Tourette syndrome
projectTitle: Somatic Mosaicism in the brain of Tourette syndrome

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