

Created By Kyle Ellrott kellrott

md5: e688ac9b896487f3fffc9e037b2b551b
center: jhu-usc.edu
tissue: head and neck
acronym: HNSC
disease: cancer
species: Homo sapiens
basename: jhu-usc.edu_HNSC_HumanMethylation450
fileType: genomicMatrix
platform: HumanMethylation450
rowKeySrc: illuminaHumanMethylation450
centerTitle: Johns Hopkins / University of Southern California
dataSubType: betaValue
columnKeySrc: tcga.HNSC
dataProducer: TCGA
diseaseTitle: Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma
lastModified: 2014-07-03
platformTitle: Illumina Infinium Human DNA Methylation 450

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