Comprehensive identification of somatic nucleotide variants in human brain tissue
Created By
Mette Peters Mette
doi: 10.1101/2020.10.10.332213
year: 2020
study: syn22269661
title: Comprehensive identification of somatic nucleotide variants in human brain tissue
authors: Yifan Wang, et. al., Brain Somatic Mosaicism Network
journal: bioRxiv
project: syn21895512 syn21895547 syn21895550 syn21645003 syn21895556 syn21895559 syn21895558 syn21644924 syn21438207 syn21895512 syn21895547 syn21895550 syn21895556 syn21895559 syn21895558 syn21644924 syn21438207
grantNumber: U01MH106874 U01MH106876 U01MH106883 U01MH106882 U01MH106884 U01MH106891 U01MH106892 U01MH106893 U01MH108898
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Comprehensive identification of somatic nucleotide variants in human brain tissue
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