Created By
Piotr Topilko Topilko
assay: RNA-seq
runType: singleEnd
species: Mus musculus
studyId: syn11374337
dataType: geneExpression
entityId: syn23544783
platform: Illumina HiSeq 2000
diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis type 1
readDepth: 55 650 950
studyName: Use of the mouse model of cutaneous neurofibromas for identification of cells of origin and drug screening studies
tumorType: Not Applicable
fileFormat: fastq
initiative: Cutaneous Neurofibroma Initiative
isCellLine: Yes
isStranded: Yes
readLength: 50pb
dataSubtype: raw
libraryPrep: polyAselection
nf1Genotype: +/+
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: NTAP
modelSystemName: C57BL/6J
reportMilestone: 4
progressReportNumber: 4
experimentalCondition: Sphere culture P75 + Replicat 1
experimentalTimepoint: Before passage P0
genePerturbationTechnology: CRE Recombinase
modelSystemStrainNomenclature: Prss56Cre;R26mT
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