Dear, When downloading the processed CD45 Cytof data I noticed that it appears that not all data is uploaded. I can see the data from samples A01 through C09, however not for the other groups. Am I doing something wrong, or is perhaps a wrong file uploaded? Looking forward to hearing from you!

Created by L C LCNL
Thanks for the fast fix - works like a charm!
Dear BPRCLoet, Sorry for that problem, file was cut during previous upload. I uploaded new version and now it has correct size and data. Best, Petr
Thank you, looking forward to your reply.
Dear BPRCLoet, We are currently investigating this problem and will provide ? solution as soon as possible. Best, Petr
Thank you for your kind and quick reply. Also when syncing/bulk downloading through R I am not getting all dataI am supposed to get - it's identical to what is online. I have tried using the syn24476292 and using syn24240119. For both, I am receiving a file of ~164mb which does not include all of the CD45 data. Could you perhaps share how you got this to work? Thanks!
Dear BPRCLoet, It looks that there is some problem with synapse web download form, but other ways described in seem to be working. We recommend to try and synchronize all project files using R and code for it provided via link. Don't hesitate to write if you face any problems, we will try to help. Best, Petr

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