I am preparing the code and docker image for a submission but I am confused about what the test set will look like. In the example `PETRAW_test.py` that you provided - it reads kinematic inputs that end in a ".txt" extension, but in the training data, the kinematic files end in a ".kinematic" extension. What will be the format of the test set? And how soon can I expect a response if my evaluation code errors out if I submit a docker image later today.

Created by Mike Peven mpeven
Thanks for noticing this issue and sorry for the confusion, the extensions are the same as for the training data. So .mp4 for video and .kinematic for kinematic data. I will make the modification on PETRAW_test.py Edit: The modication are done on PETRAW_test.py
Hello~ I have the same question as you. Have you solved it?

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