Created By
Julia Oswald OSWALDJ
Id: d66ee0b0-37b7-456d-8afb-d51152a7b3e6
age: 23
sex: Not Applicable
assay: targeted exome sequencing
organ: eye
ageUnit: days
species: Mus musculus
studyId: syn21650484
dataType: AlignedReads
entityId: syn25253762
platform: Illumina NextSeq 1000
Component: RNASeqTemplate
diagnosis: Not Applicable
studyName: Stem cell derived RGCs: Improving the success of transplantation strategies
tumorType: Not Applicable
fileFormat: excel
initiative: Vision Restoration Initiative
specimenID: 1
dataSubtype: raw
nf1Genotype: +/+
nf2Genotype: +/+
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: GFF
libraryStrand: Not Applicable
libraryPreparationMethod: Smart-seq4
specimenPreparationMethod: Fresh collected
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