###Hi Everyone and Welcome to the HACK4RARE! I'm the CSO of the Children's Tumor Foundation and one of the Hackthon's Directors. We think we have prepared a very cool event for you and I hope you will enjoy participating by learning something new, making new friends and professional connections, and ultimately help the field of rare diseases by contributing your time and expertise! Come back and visit [www.hack4rare.org](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25551331/wiki/609587) page for updated agendas and information about the Hackathon. We will add a lot of information in the next few weeks about tools, resources, data, you will be able to use for the hack. ###In the meantime, if you want, drop a line and introduce yourself! We'd love to know you better!

Created by Salvatore La Rosa slarosa

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