Hello, I'm just starting the biometry task of the FeTA challenge and while looking at the dataset, I found a potential error has been made : It seems that "Height of the vermis (HV)" and "Length of the corpus callosum (LCC)" are inverted labels. They should respectively be labeled 1 and 2 but labelmaps seem inverted. The error might come from the [annotation documentation](https://unils-my.sharepoint.com/personal/meritxell_bachcuadra_unil_ch/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fmeritxell%5Fbachcuadra%5Funil%5Fch%2FDocuments%2FHOWTO%5F2D%5FFetalBiometry%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fmeritxell%5Fbachcuadra%5Funil%5Fch%2FDocuments&ga=1) where the LCC comes first. TODO : correct the measures.tsv + README.md in the biometry folder Furthermore, it seems some datas have measurements in the biometry.tsv file but no associated labels. For now I found 1 case : sub002 where label 5 (TCD) is missing in sub-002_rec-mial_meas.nii.gz file but is present in the biometry.tsv file.

Created by rcremese
Hi @VAgreen, it is simpler that you directly contact feta-challenge-data-vienna@googlegroups.com regarding this. Synapse only handles the data from the University Children?s Hospital Zurich. Note also that, as mentioned on https://fetachallenge.github.io/pages/Data_download > The FeTA 2024 data from the Medical University of Vienna has been provided only for the purpose of the FeTA 2024 challenge and thus the sharing will be stopped after the submission deadline on August 2024. Given that the deadling for the FeTA challenge is August 4th, I am not sure that you will be able to get access to the data from Vienna.
Hi @tsanchez, I completed and submitted the form for Medical University of Vienna dataset and I haven't heard back. It's been at least two weeks ago.
Hi @VAgreen, Synapse hosts the dataset from the University Children's Hospital Zurich. The dataset from the Medical University of Vienna can be accessed by filling a form on [this page](https://fetachallenge.github.io/pages/Data_download).
@tsanchez I'm a little confused with the description of the dataset. Specifically Process to access the FeTA 2024 data from the Medical University of Vienna. Is this the feta_2.4.zip? Or do I need to submit another request to get that data?
Hi Robin, Thank you for writing, and for looking into the dataset! There is indeed a mistake in the file `measures.tsv`, where the labels for HV (this should be 2) and LCC (this should be 1) are indeed inverted, thanks for catching this out. Regarding sub-002, there is also a mistake in this subject, where for some reason, the LCC was accidentally labeled as TCD, and TCD was missing. When corrected, the measurements in `biometry.tsv` and the associated labels are consistent. I have double checked the rest of the data and there does not seem to be any other cases with this issue. We will do a new release of the dataset (Feta 2.4) with these errors corrected. Best, Thomas Sanchez

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