Hi all, Some of you were getting the following error message when trying to submit your birthday guess in RStudio Cloud: ``` Error in value[[3L]](cond) : 403 Client Error: You lack CREATE access to the requested entity ``` We fixed the access issue this afternoon, so if you got the error this morning, please make sure you're signed up for the Challenge [here](#!Synapse:syn25653150/wiki/610097) and then try again. You can respond here, or [email us](mailto:2021CSBCPSONSummerProgramMentors@synapse.org), if you're still having trouble.

Created by Pierrette Lo lopierra
@MpiloJ: My best guess is that you are using your RStudio account password (_i.e._ csbcpson) instead of your Synapse password (which you use to log into synapse.org). Confirm your Synapse password by logging out and back into Synapse.org. Once you do, try re-running that last chunk using that password? If that doesn't work, let us know here and we'll take a closer look!
Hi , I've signed up for the challenge but I'm still getting an error when I try to submit. I've entered in my password and username correctly when promoted but I'm being told one of the two are wrong.

Birthday submission error fixed page is loading…