Hi all, I hope you've been enjoying the R activities in the course so far. We realize the instructors have to move through the material quickly due to time constraints. If you can't always understand all of the code during the session, don't worry - I don't either! I've been going through the code in the RMD files line by line afterwards and making notes to myself using comments. Often a single line of code can combine multiple actions, so I find it helpful to break down the steps and write them down so I can refer back later. I wanted to share my annotated versions of the modules 3 and 4 Rmd files with you, in case it might help you as well. My comments are denoted with two hashes (##) to distinguish them from the instructors' comments (single hashes, #). The files are named as "filename_PL.Rmd" and should appear in the modules 3 and 4 folders in your RStudio environment. Please feel free to [email us](2021CSBCPSONSummerProgramMentors@synapse.org) or post here if you have questions or would like to talk through anything. Pierrette

Created by Pierrette Lo lopierra
I just shared Pierrette's annotated RMD files with everyone in the course.

R activities - extra comments page is loading…