Dear forum members, I am seeking clarification regarding the ROSMAP Proteomics TMT Round 2 data (syn30390636) and hope that someone can shed some light on the matter. In the method section of the Round 2 data, it is mentioned that there are 210 participants included. Additionally, the GIS data appears to be processed with TMT channel 126. However, upon examining the trait data in ROSMAP_Round2_Traits_FINAL.xlsx (syn32835854), I noticed there are 16 GIS participants. Out of these, 14 are associated with channel 126, while the remaining 2 are processed in different channel. Interestingly, these 2 additional GIS had ProjID and those could be found in the ROSMAP_clinical.csv (syn3191087) file. Additionally, it seems that these 2 GIS entries are affecting the total participant count, reducing it to 208 instead of the mentioned 210 in the method section. I am unsure whether the other 2 GIS entries should be considered as separate GIS or as participants. Thank you in advance for your help.

Created by Gyujin Heo gheo
Hi @gheo , I was able to reproduce your findings. In the ROSMAP_Round2_Traits_FINAL.xlsx file, I noticed the following: ${imageLink?synapseId=syn52319205&align=None&scale=100&responsive=true&altText=} For the cogdx_3lev = "GIS" column, we see a total of 16 entries. Across other columns, we see GIS as well. Thus, I am reasonably certain, all 16 entries are GIS. If you have further doubts, though, you can reach out to @abby.vanderlinden Regards, Jared

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