Hi, Thank you to the team for releasing this great resource. I am trying to connect each fastq samples to it's clinical sample ID but cannot find the matching information. In the MIT_ROSMAP_Multiomics_assay_snRNAseq_metadata file the specimenID seems to correspond to the ROSMAP ID which I can link to the clinical features but I can not find the necessary information to link each fastq file to it's respective sample ID. I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Best, Niall

Created by Niall Mortimer NiallMortimer
Thank you very much Abby for the clear and quick response.
Hi Niall, All the fastq files in this study are annotated with the specimenID and individualID, which can be mapped to the corresponding IDs in the metadata files in order to link data from files to the samples it was generated from. You can see the annotations on all the fastq files by going to the [Study Data tab](https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage/StudyData?Study=syn52293417#StudyData) in the AD Knowledge Portal. The annotations for each file appear in the columns -- to see specimenID and individualID, click the little column icon on the top right corner of the table to Add/Remove columns and select additional columns. Those annotations, including IDs, are automatically included in a download manifest if you bulk download files or add them to your download cart, or you can get a table with the file names and all annotations by clicking the download arrow icon and selecting "Export Table". More info on annotations here: https://help.adknowledgeportal.org/apd/Glossary.2062254225.html#Glossary-Annotations. Let me know if you have other questions! Abby

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