Hello, I have got the clinical information from ROSMAP_clinical.csv (syn3191087), there was only the information of ceradsc (Assessment of neuritic plaques). However I want to get the information of PLQ-Mn (plaque mean density). Please help me to get the information of PLQ-Mn, or tell me how to calculate it. Thanks a lot.

Created by Weilong Yang yangweilong
Hi Weilong, Thank you for your message. I looked through the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center website, and it does not seem plaque mean density is one of their pathology variables for Alzheimer's Disease. Here is the link if you'd like to visit it yourself: https://www.radc.rush.edu/docs/var/overview.htm?category=Pathology. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Best regards, Victor Baham

I can not find the information of PLQ-Mn in ROSMAP_clinical.csv page is loading…