Hi, I hope all is well, and thank you for providing this resource. I am looking for RIN values for some of the ROSMAP brain samples, but it appears that some are missing RIN information. I was looking here: syn21088596 but there are missing values for some of the samples I'm interested in. Is there another repository where this information could be located for these samples? Thanks!

Created by J_Grundman
Hi @J_Grundman, I'm sorry for such a long delay in addressing your question, it appears this post slipped through the cracks when a team member moved on to other projects. Unfortunately we do not have additional assay metadata for these samples from the ROSMAP data contributors. To be thorough, I am tagging Katia Lopes @katiaplopes, a computational biologist at Rush. Katia, i know you did not upload this data, but do you know who at Rush would be able to determine whether there are any additional RIN values for this AMP-AD rnaSeq data from 2020/2021? Quite a lot of samples are missing it. If it doesn't exist and is irretrievable, that would be good to know; and if it does exist, we should certainly update the rnaSeq metadata. Thank you so much for any help you can provide! Apologies again for the delay, Laura

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