Hello! I'm currently running into issues downloading `syn21261297` with the Synapse API to an AWS S3 bucket. However, I am able to download the file via the UI locally (it's the `ROSMAP_clinical.csv`), so there shouldn't be any permission issues. I was also able to download all other files in the study, such as all of the `.fastq` files. Here's the results of the `synapse get syn21261297 --debug` command: ``` $> synapse get syn21261297 --debug WARNING: No files associated with entity syn21261297 2024-01-18 10:54:05,393 [__main__:165 - INFO]: WARNING: No files associated with entity syn21261297 Link: ROSMAP_clinical.csv (syn21261297) properties: concreteType=org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Link createdBy=273995 createdOn=2019-11-17T20:08:07.930Z etag=b8b28828-5717-4fab-9824-f8b279560fda id=syn21261297 linksTo={'targetId': 'syn3191087'} linksToClassName=org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.FileEntity modifiedBy=273995 modifiedOn=2019-11-17T20:08:07.930Z name=ROSMAP_clinical.csv parentId=syn18642926 annotations: ``` Any assistance would be appreciated!

Created by Michelle Franc Ragsac mragsac
Oh, I completely missed that! Thank you so much! I was able to resolve things on my end because of your answer.
Hi Michelle, It looks like syn21261297 is a Link entity that points to the ROSMAP_clinical.csv File entity in Synapse at [syn3191087](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3191087). To download the File referenced by a Link, you need to include the `followLink` parameter in your API call as described here: https://help.synapse.org/docs/Downloading-Data-Programmatically.2003796248.html#DownloadingDataProgrammatically-DownloadingLinkedData Alternately, you can update your call to download syn3191087 directly. Best, Jessica

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