Hello, I'm working with RNAseq data for syn26944026. Based on file naming, there appear to be duplicate runs for some individuals, but not all. For example, there are files named hipp_F_5xFADHEMI_12mo_7547_S22 and hipp_F_5XFADHEMI_12mo_RB1_7547_S5. Both of these files appear to be RNAseq data for individual 7547. However, I see only one entry in the RNAseq metadata file for individual 7547. I was hoping to get a better understanding of what is going on this data so that I can process it correctly. Thanks you! Brittany

Created by Brittany Smith smithbk1990
Hi I didn?t create the RNAseq metadata and wet lab part but according to my knowledge, we repeated some of the samples to get a better yield that's why you see RB in the second sample. If you have specific question please let me know so I can ask around or tag more appropriate person to answer those. Best, Narges
Hi Brittany, This data was contributed by @nargesr, who should be able to answer your question about the file naming conventions and possible duplicate runs for some individuals. Best, Jessica

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